17.1 Policy Against Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use
Play-Well is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and productive work environment for its employees. We recognize that employees who abuse drugs or alcohol at work, or who appear at work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol, harm both themselves and the work environment. As a result, we prohibit employees from doing the following:
- Appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
- Conducting company business while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (whether or not the employee is actually on work premises at the time.)
- Using alcohol or illegal drugs on the worksite.
- Using alcohol or illegal drugs while conducting company business (whether or not the employee is actually on work premises at the time.)
- Possessing, buying, selling, or distributing alcohol or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia on the worksite
- Possessing, buying, selling, or distributing alcohol or illegal drugs while conducting company business (whether or not the employee is actually on work premises at the time.)
- Illegal drug use includes more than just outlawed drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. It also includes the misuse of otherwise legal prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
We follow the federal law classifying marijuana as an illegal substance in all states, whether or not the state in which you work and/or reside has legalized marijuana use.
This policy covers times when employees are on call but not working and times when employees are using company equipment.
We do not purchase or provide alcohol at company sponsored social or business functions or events. Alcohol is prohibited at our Activity Centers; this policy includes our customers who may ask to bring in alcohol for a party.
Employees who violate this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.