6.2 Meal and Rest Breaks

Employees are allowed a paid ten minute rest break every four hours; rest breaks are not provided for days when your work time is less than three and a half hours. In addition, all employees who work at least five hours in a day are entitled to take a 30 minute meal break, as close as possible to the middle of their work shift. The meal break is unpaid, unless you are not relieved of duty and must remain at the work site; in this case the 30 minute meal break is paid. Employees who work more than ten hours in a day are entitled to a second 30 minute unpaid meal break. Breaks are an opportunity to rest and eat during the work day and they may be required by law. For this reason, you must take your breaks, as scheduled, unless you make other arrangements with your supervisor. Your supervisor will let you know when you should take your breaks. For example, you may not decide to skip breaks in order to leave early or come in late.

Noted Exception: Instructors will be paid one hour per day worked in activities with children (classes, camps, parties, etc.) to compensate for any rest breaks they may not be able to take due to their responsibilities to supervise children in programs. This time is not defined as hours worked in the calculation of overtime. It is, however, factored in to the three hour daily minimum. This time will be displayed on an instructor’s time card as “Premium Time."

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 Work Schedule

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