13.8 Violence is Prohibted
We will not tolerate violence in the workplace. Violence includes physical altercations, coercion, pushing or shoving, roughhousing, intimidation, stalking, and threats of violence. Any comments about violence will be taken seriously, and may result in your termination. Please do not joke or make offhand remarks about violence.
***No Weapons***
No weapons are allowed in our workplace. Weapons include but are not limited to firearms, knives, brass knuckles, martial arts equipment, clubs or bats, and explosives. Any employee found with an unauthorized weapon in the workplace will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
***What to Do in Case of Violence***
If you observe an incident or threat of violence that is immediate and serious, call 911 and then your immediate supervisor. If the incident or threat does not appear to require immediate police intervention, please contact your supervisor and report it as soon as possible, using the Company’s complaint procedure. All complaints will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken. You will not face retaliation for making a complaint.