21.6 Final Pay

Final paychecks will include all compensation earned but not paid through the date of termination, according to the schedule shown below.

Schedule of Final PayVoluntary Termination Involuntary Termination
Arizona Next regular payday. Within 3 working days or next regular payday, whichever is first.
California Last day of work if notice is at least 72 hours; within 72 hours if notice is less than 72 hours. Last day of work.
Colorado Next regular payday. Last day of work - postmarked within 24 hours.
Connecticut Next regular payday. Next business day.
District of Columbia Next regular payday or within 7 days, whichever is earlier. Not later than next working day.
Florida Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Georgia Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Hawaii Next regular payday. Immediately or next business day if conditions prevent immediate payment.
Illinois Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Kansas Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Maryland Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Massachusetts Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Minnesota Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Missouri Next regular payday. Immediately.
Nevada Next regular payday or within seven days, whichever occurs first. Immediately.
New Hampshire Within 72 hours if notice is at least one regular pay period; next regular payday if notice is less than one regular pay period. Within 72 hours.
New Jersey Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
New York Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
North Carolina Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Oregon Next regular payday. Within 5 business days or the next regular payday, whichever comes first.
Pennsylvania Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Rhode Island Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Tennessee Next regular payday, or twenty-one (21) days following the date of discharge or voluntary leaving, whichever occurs last. Next regular payday, or twenty-one (21) days following the date of discharge or voluntary leaving, whichever occurs last.
Texas Next regular payday. Within 6 calendar days.
Utah Next regular payday. Within 24 hours.
Virginia Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Washington State Next regular payday. Next regular payday.
Wisconsin Next regular payday. Next regular payday.