8.5 401(k) Plan

Non-Salaried Employees

An option for non-salaried employees: *my*RA® makes saving for retirement easy. Play-Well TEKnologies is helping our employees save with *my*RA®; which is a retirement savings account developed by the U.S. Department of Treasury that is simple, safe, and affordable. There are no hassles, no fees, and no hidden costs. *my*RA® could be a good option for you to consider.

To learn more and sign up, go to

More information on this plan can be found on our


Salaried Employees

Play-Well TEKnologies offers a 401(k) plan to all eligible salaried employees. Salaried employees age 21 and older are eligible to enroll in the plan after one year of continuous employment and 1,000 hours worked in a calendar year; there is no employer contribution to the plan. Employees who have not yet met these requirements may choose to roll over a plan from a previous employer, but will not be able to make contributions until eligibility requirements are met.

Basic costs for administration of this plan are paid for by the company as a benefit to our employees. Once you become eligible to participate, you will be provided with plan details by the Human Resources Department.