11.3 Progressive Discipline
Employee development and retention are
Play-Well goals. Supervisors and managers are responsible for informally
counseling their employees on the Play-Well policies and ensuring clear
understanding of company standards for work performance. Timeliness is
an important part of the counseling process, as you cannot resolve the
problem or improve upon substandard performance if you are not aware of
it. Step counseling is an attempt to correct your work performance
before additional disciplinary action is necessary in the event that
your manager or supervisor becomes aware of unsatisfactory performance
in any area related to fulfillment of your Play-Well duties.
Step counseling may be decelerated or accelerated based on individual
circumstances. Play-Well management has the right to shorten this
process, including a decision to terminate without moving through
progressive disciplinary steps, especially if you are in your
probationary period, in cases of serious misconduct, or there is
evidence of a persistent and repeated pattern of similar actions in
violation of Play-Well policies and standards. The progressive
discipline policy does not alter our at-will employment policy.
First Warning - A discussion between you and your supervisor to give
you the information needed to correct your performance. This is an
opportunity for you as the employee to ask questions, seek
clarification, or request further support/training resources if you feel
you are unable to perform to expectations on your own.
Second Warning - The second warning is a formal discussion to inform
you of an infraction via a written Counseling Notice. Your supervisor
will give you a signed copy of the Counseling Notice, and a second copy
is placed in your personnel file. This warning shall remain in effect
for up to six months. No promotions or transfers will be made available
to you while the warning is in effect.
If you correct your performance while on disciplinary warning and then
revert to inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory level of work
performance after the warning expires, you may be deemed to have
unacceptable cyclical behavior, which may warrant additional action up
to and including termination.
Suspension – An instance of serious misconduct by an employee may
result in immediate suspension; during the suspension period, management
will conduct an investigation to determine whether the employee will be
reinstated or terminated for cause.
Termination – We realize that there are times when employees choose
to leave or that we may be required to dismiss an employee from their
position. In accordance with Play-Well’s at-will employment policy,
Play-Well and each employee have the right to terminate the employment
relationship at any time, with or without cause. Termination for cause
is based upon poor job performance or serious misconduct at work.
Examples of serious misconduct include but are not limited to:
- Unprofessional conduct with students, parents, clients, or co-workers.
- Violation of client policies.
- Dishonesty, theft or embezzlement either from the company or from a client or customer.
- Falsification of documents.
- Violation of any of the procedures relating to sexual abuse/molestation prevention and reporting as outlined in Section 13:2 of this Handbook.
- Refusal to perform work as required or acts of insubordination.
- Use of illegal substances or alcohol on company premises.
- Harassment.
- Fighting.
- Disclosing confidential information to a competitor.
- Cyclical behavior (as noted above under 'Second Warning.')
Types of Termination Include:
Voluntary: when you resign of your own volition.
Involuntary: when you are terminated from your position based on a
decision by Play-Well management.
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Punctuality and AttendanceNext section:
Employee Appearance and Dress