12.2 Classroom Evaluations
Overview - Instructors
Speaking generally, we expect our programs to be stellar. We hire well-qualified people (that's you!), provide excellent materials, work with great clients, and the kids WANT TO BE THERE. If the program stinks, or if it isn't any better than our cheaper competitors, we won't have clients sign up next year. Mediocre programs are not good enough, and we're not the only LEGO class in town.
Classroom Evaluations
Firstly, we expect you to understand and implement all of the Policies and Procedures. The single most important thing is Child Safety - everything else is secondary to the security and well-being of all the children in your care.
Three to four times per year, your manager will attend one of your classes and evaluate your performance. Classroom evaluations are an important consideration in your annual performance evaluation, which determines the amount of your annual pay increase.
The class evaluation form is available through the Resources Section of the Brick Bin, so read it carefully and make sure you understand it. This outlines all of the ways we will measure your success in the classroom.
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Your Job PerformanceNext section:
Annual Performance Evaluations